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Book Review: The Perfect Marriage


Okay, folks, let’s sit down and chat about Jeneva Rose’s “The Perfect Marriage”. I mean, we need to discuss this domestic thriller that’s been making waves in the literary world. If you’re someone who loves books that keep you on the edge of your seat, then this one will definitely have you glued to the pages, biting your nails in anticipation.

First off, let’s talk characters. We’ve got Sarah and Adam Morgan, a power couple with all the trimmings of a successful life. Sarah’s a top-notch criminal attorney, Adam’s a prosperous businessman. Together, they look like they’ve stepped straight out of a glossy magazine spread. But, as is often the case, perfection is just an illusion and the Morgans are no exception.

“Even when you have nothing left in your life, hope is the one thing that can never be taken away.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

What’s fascinating is the perspective of Adam, the husband, in the story. He isn’t just a bystander, a cardboard cutout of a character, but rather an active participant with his own thoughts, feelings, and secrets. Rose does an impressive job of fleshing him out, of presenting him as a man who is tangled up in this complex web of secrets and lies. This refreshing take is definitely a plus for readers who enjoy more layered character development.

Rose’s writing style is really top-notch. She’s a whiz at creating complex characters that feel real, so real that you feel connected to them. It’s no small feat to make readers empathize with characters who are inherently flawed and sometimes make questionable choices. That’s the thing, though – the humanity she imbues in her characters, including Adam, is what hooks us.

“I’ve always believed the eyes cannot lie. They hold the truths we are unable or unwilling to speak. Her eyes full, large, and bursting with pain.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

“The Perfect Marriage” is a page-turner, no doubt about it. You think you’ve got it figured out, then—wham!—Rose throws in a plot twist that sends your assumptions spinning. This unpredictable nature keeps you engaged, makes the story a thrilling ride you don’t want to get off.

Now, a slight nitpick, if I may. The pacing could’ve been a little more balanced. There were moments where the story felt rushed, like a movie in fast-forward. Perhaps it could’ve been slowed down a bit to let the plot marinate and fully bloom. It didn’t spoil my overall enjoyment of the book, but it’s akin to eating a slightly undercooked pasta—you know it’s delicious, but it could have been just a bit better.

On a deeper note, “The Perfect Marriage” does bring up some interesting societal perspectives. The whole ‘woman as a villain’ concept is becoming increasingly popular in literature, think ‘Gone Girl’, ‘The Girl on the Train’, and now this. On one hand, it’s empowering to see women portrayed as strong, intelligent, and complex characters, but on the flip side, it’s concerning to see them frequently painted as manipulative and malevolent.

“From time to time I flinch as a large drop of water, having pooled in the leaves high above, catches the back of my neck. This subtle reminder doesn’t let me forget how weak and cold and alone I am. I look up into the canopy to search for some sort of illumination and warmth, but this is blocked by the very leaves that are crying upon me. They deny me any such respite but continue to point their arms away, encouraging me to do no more than leave them alone.”
― Jeneva Rose, The Perfect Marriage

As a bookworm, it makes me think about the potential impacts of this trend. Are we moving towards a literary landscape where the primary way women are portrayed as powerful is through their cunning and deceit? It’s something worth pondering and discussing. It does not detract from the fact that Rose has penned an engaging thriller, but it’s an important conversation to have about how women are represented in modern literature. The conclusion of “The Perfect Marriage” is nothing short of a whirlwind. It’s like being on a rollercoaster that’s going full throttle, leaving you breathless and stunned. Rose’s knack for maintaining suspense while wrapping up the narrative is remarkable.

Final words:

To sum it up, “The Perfect Marriage” is an electrifying domestic thriller that is sure to enthrall anyone who loves a good mystery. It’s the kind of book you’ll eagerly suggest for your book club. (Read more about it here: The Perfect Marriage — Jeneva Rose). This book isn’t just a thrilling read, it’s also a mirror reflecting our own imperfections and complexities. It takes a look at the masks people wear, the secrets they hide, and the lengths they’ll go to protect their image. Kudos to Jeneva Rose for crafting such a compelling, thought-provoking novel.

Even with its slightly rapid pace and the broader debate around feminine villainy, “The Perfect Marriage” is a must-read. Its blend of suspense, courtroom drama, and the exploration of the human psyche is bound to keep you engaged from start to finish. And hey, a little controversy never hurt anybody, right? It’s good to have these conversations. After all, literature isn’t just about entertainment, it’s about pushing boundaries and sparking discussions. And on that count, Rose has certainly delivered.

The book is soon to be made movie according to the author on Goodreads.

Let me know in comments what do you think about it?

Nikhil Shahapurkar
Nikhil Shahapurkarhttps://www.thedailyreader.org
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